Items 1 and 2 are in the same row. Items 1, 6, and half of 4 are in the same column.

Item 1 appears behind 3 because of the translateX(-90px) set on it.



Items 3–5 are in the same row and each spans two columns.

(Note: I didn’t focus on making this layout fully responsive, so it fails in narrow viewports. You could stack the boxes by default, and then apply the Grid layout at a breakpoint that’s wide enough to accommodate it.)


As is typical with Grid, the row below will push down or move up in accordance with the length of content in this row. So if I were to add more content to items 3, 4, or 5, the layout wouldn't break. This is one key difference between doing a layout like this with Grid and positioning the items absolutely.




Items 6 and 7 are in the same row. Item 7 is in the same column as 2 and half of 4.